According to a media researcher, only a few of us binge-watch so excessively that it has a negative impact on our lives. | Image: Pexels

Binge-watching still divides the scientific community. “Sometimes it’s problematised, then it’s praised again”, says the media researcher Dominique Wirz. Her team at the University of Fribourg has now conducted a study about it under realistic conditions: Its 80 participants were allowed to choose a single series, then watch it at home, either three episodes at a time or just one each day.

“We often have a window of free time on an evening before we go to bed, and this can be filled easily with several episodes”.Dominique Wirz

Afterwards, they conducted a survey. Their conclusion was: watching several episodes in a single sitting is no more entertaining than just watching one. So why do we like binge-watching at all? “We often have a window of free time on an evening before we go to bed, and this can be filled easily with several episodes”, says Wirz. And another study has also shown that there is only a low risk of addiction. Only a few of us binge-watch so excessively that it has a negative impact on our lives.

D. Wirz et al.: The More You Watch, the More You Get? Re-Examining the Effects of Binge-Watching on Entertainment Experiences. Journal of Media Psychology (2022)