Editorial team

Florian Fisch (ff) is managing editor of Horizons and a science editor for biology and medicine at the SNSF. He studied biology at the universities of Lausanne and Neuchâtel, did research at the Botanical Institute in Basel, and obtained his PhD in biochemistry at the University of York (UK). As a freelance journalist, he has contributed articles to the Neue Zürcher Zeitung (NZZ), NZZ am Sonntag, Laborjournal and other media outlets.
@ScientoSkop  florian.fisch@snf.ch

Judith Hochstrasser (jho) is managing editor of Horizons and is a science editor specialising in the humanities and social sciences at the SNSF. She studied history, religious studies and social and economic history at Zurich University. For six years, she worked as a freelance journalist for the Zürcher Oberländer newspaper and then for six years as an editor and later editor-in-chief for the Catholic weekly magazine Sonntag. For several months, she was editor-in-chief ad interim of the online science magazine Higgs and she followed an international course in New Media Journalism between 2017 and 2019. @tschudi77 judith.hochstrasser@snf.ch

Sophie Rivara (sr) is a science writer and is in charge of scientific communication at the SNSF. She graduated in life sciences engineering and completed a PhD in immunology at EPFL. Passionate about popularising science, she won the 2022 Swiss final of "Ma thèse en 180 secondes". With her doctorate in hand, she decided to focus on science communication, first at the CHUV, then by joining the SNSF.

Astrid Tomczak-Plewka (ato) is a freelance science journalist and scientific editor at the Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences. She studied German literature, history and political sciences at the universities of Bern and Vienna. During her studies, she began working as a journalist ("Der Bund", "Berner Zeitung", "Radio Förderband"). After obtaining her degree, she worked as an editor at daily newspapers ("Langenthaler Tagblatt", "Berner Zeitung") and later as a scientific editor at the University of Bern.
@textwerken astrid.tomczak@akademien-schweiz.ch